(Unless otherwise noted, all photos by
Dean Thorsen)
Sharing My Secrets, Vol 2.1, The PaperLastly in paper, escort cards and table numbers.
Inspiration from

Reality from my head.

This was the first place finisher in the "surprise curveball at the end" category of wedding craziness. The goal was to attach the placecards to the metal garden stakes in such a way that they could easily be removed by our guests. We didn't want any injuries if everyone was walking around with sharp metal object. Our plan was to use removable glue dots to stick the cards to the stakes. They kept falling off and the placecards would not lie flat. We tried more glue dots, magnets and string. We realized Elmer's Glue would do the trick, although we still weren't sure how to close the placecards. A hole punch and ribbon may have seemed like overkill several weeks prior, but they worked in a pinch.
Yes, we grew our own boxes of moss. We crazy! But, they are still blooming in my mom's backyard and they look lovely. My dad built the boxes and white washed them.

I wish I had the talent to have made these, but alas, I am no artist. I bought the cards from Paper Source and the easels from Hobby Lobby. My original plan was to frame old wedding photos of our parents and grandparents. I scratched this idea when I came up very short on photos from Mr. Peacock's side. Plan B were these sweet "counting cards," each with a different bird highlighted.
Our candy bar was not your typical candy bar. Candies were chosen not for their color, but for their ideal taste. Mr. Peacock and I chose our favorite candy and then invited our parents to chose theirs as well.

The bags said "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I've Got Love In My Tummy. Thanks for sharing our day with us! Love, Mr. & Mrs. Peacock." We bought the bags online and printed them on Paper Source 2" labels. Easy, peasey. As is usually the case, the candy bar was a smashing success.
I took
Mrs. Lemon's lead and made cards directing our guests to our
Picasa photo page. This, plus another email reminder, helped us create an awesome collection of photos. It was totally one of those last minute "do I really need to do this?!" things, but it worked like a charm.

The little chandelier was drawn by Margot of Atelier Isabey to match the two gorgeous chandeliers hanging from Cafe Brauer's celing. We used the image again and again on our menus, candy jars, napkins and more.
Whew! Believe it or not, there is even more that I could say about paper, but I am sure you have all had enough. Next up: food and drink!