There are 150 days left until our wedding. 150 days left to the wedding. 150 days left to the wedding. I will be silently chanting that all day long.
Mr. Peacock and I have been engaged since December of 2006. At the time, we had quite a few question marks looming. Both Mr. Peacock and I were thinking about going back to school. Rumors were flying around his office that his company was going to be acquired. If the acquisition happened, there was a good chance that we would be packing up and moving to either Manhattan or California. Otherwise, we wanted to put our house on the market and move closer to downtown. It was all a little too exciting. I got nervous and put shoved the wedding date into 2008, under the impression that I would appreciate the extra time to plan. My best friend is getting married in June, 2008 and since we would be in each other's bridal parties, it might be best to space them out a bit. The date was set for September 2008.
Mr. Peacock in me in our silly, just engaged bliss
At first it was fun. I had my pick of the vendors which helped since both my church and reception sites are very popular places. I had a few vendors tell me that it was too early and they weren't interested in talking to me yet, which wasn't as much fun, but it made it easier to weed out my growing list of options. My list of DIY plans also kept growing, since I had almost two years to get it done. We were getting toasts and congratulations left and right. I couldn't tell
our engagement story enough. Being engaged was so exciting for those first few months. Then it really started to drag.
Friends and friends of friends also started getting engaged and choosing dates well before ours. Then they started getting married before us. One friend just got engaged in March and is planning a May wedding. She didn't need 22 months to plan, only 6 weeks. I wasn't expecting it, but I was insanely jealous. I just wanted to be married. I have never liked the word "fiance" and around the one year engagement mark I really started to hate it. It just seemed silly to use it at that point. Every time the sun came out on a Saturday I would kick myself for not picking that day. Then I just started kicking myself EVERY Saturday. Who cares if there was a snow storm? I would be MARRIED! I didn't, and I really still don't, get what's so great about being engaged. I just want to be Mrs. Peacock, darn it!
But, as I got closer to the 150 day mark, things started to look up. My mom and Mr. Peacock's mom started asking about shower dates. I set the date for my alterations. The bridesmaid's dresses were ordered. My shoes were purchased (yay!). The ball was rolling. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is finally happening! I actually woke up this morning excited. I know these next five months are going to go by so quickly and I really can't wait.
Has anyone else felt this way? Did any married bees look back and appreciate their long engagement?