- He went to all public schools, I went to all private schools
- He is the youngest of four, I am the oldest of four.
- We vote for different political parties
- He is a White Sox fan, I am a Cubs fan (as any of the Chicago readers can attest, this is a big deal)

I saved my "gear" for the game, but took no pictures!
Most of it is pretty silly and doesn't really affect our relationship. We love going to the Cubs v. Sox games together, wearing every piece of fan gear that we can find. My Cubbies have made me proud the past few times. The oldest/youngest thing is actually wonderful because I inherited three older sisters and he found himself with a few younger brothers and the bossy younger sister that he never knew he needed (love you, E!).
The one thing that does cause us to butt heads on occasion is that he is an introvert and I am an extrovert. We solidified this difference by taking the famed Myers-Briggs test and finding that the answers fit us perfectly. The introvert thing is a more recent phenomenon for Mr. Peacock. He was a crazy frat boy in college and he continued his fratty ways until around the time that we started dating. One of his sisters mentioned this past weekend that they were a little worried about him because he was such a wild man, and they noticed a major change in him once I came into the picture. Strangely enough, however, I am an extrovert. I love spending time with my friends and I feel antsy when we spend weekend nights at home. His sister's comment got me thinking because I can't believe that I am the one who settled him down.
For the first few years of our relationship, I lived in the city and he lived in the suburbs. He would come spend the weekends with me so that we could cab around to fun parties and meet-ups with our friends. After my lease ran out on my amazing Bucktown apartment, I moved out to the burbs with him. For me, the Suburbs= a slow social death. I apologize if that offends any readers, but you can't deny that a late night with your girlfriends is much more of a challenge if you have to drive home or wrestle with a Metra schedule. Mr. P and I usually end up crashing with friends when we have an excuse to party downtown. I can usually convince him to grab dinner after work, but anything more than that becomes a major debate. He has taught me how to enjoy a night at home, but I am still working on convincing him that a night on the town is worthwhile. We are planning to move back to the city this summer and I am very curious to see what happens. Will I be going out by myself (which is great, as long as I am not always leaving him home alone) or will we continue down the hermit path?
Does anyone else suffer from the innie/outie debate? Which side are you on? Any tips to finding a compromise?
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