Mr. Peacock and I are still buzzing from our
Mexican themed shower last weekend. The sun was out, we were surrounded by friends and family and all the party details were absolutely perfect. Even the guys had a good time- at a bridal shower!

How cute is that little tent? I love the party lights. Although the weather was perfect, the tent really helped set the mood.

Mr. P's brother-in-law Marc stocks the bar. The beer selection was killer. Marc drove into one of Chicago's many wonderful Hispanic neighborhoods to get some specialty beers (other than Corona!). My favorite was
Tona from Nicaragua. I also made up a few pitchers of margaritas- which were pretty tasty, if I do say so myself.

Mr. P and the youngest of his older sisters, Vicki. She was the brains behind the shindig.

We catch up with Mr. Peacock's side of the bridal party. How cute are those centerpieces? Each table had a different flower and a different citrus fruit.

There were also framed photos of Mr. Peacock and me throughout the years. Vicki also made bright table runners to add more bright color to the tent. This photo is of one of Jake's groomsmen/lifelong friend with his beautiful wife. She is due in SIX WEEKS! Can you believe it?

The favors! Everyone was invited to take home a little potted herb that works well with Mexican dishes. We lucked out with some cilantro, jalapeno pepper and thyme. It was such a cute idea and the guests loved it. Vicki also had a little guest book for us. She is handing it off to another of Jake's sisters for our next shower. We decided that we wanted to wait and read all the notes before the rehearsal dinner.
One of the most memorable aspects of the shower was taking a walk down her street... to our new house! I will write another post about this, but Mr. Peacock and I are officially in escrow. We bought an adorable bungalow down the street from Vicki and Marc It is going to need some lovin' before we move in, but we couldn't be happier. It was so fun to show it off in its "before" stage to all of our favorite people.
Thank you to Vicki and Marc, as well as Mr. Peacock's mom who played a major behind the scenes role, for throwing us such a wonderful party!
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