I have always had a fascination with nice handwriting. I think it began in third grade when I saw my friend Melissa dot the "i" in her name with a little heart. Fortunately for me, there is also an "i" in my name. This led to good grades in handwriting- until I decided to write my name in entirely lowercase letters because I thought it looked better. I often scrap a complete thank you note because I realized that the text had a slight slope. I will spend long periods of time playing with the pens at the Paper Source, trying to find the best tip. This obsession has created a nagging voice in the back of my head, begging me to learn calligraphy before the wedding. So, I bought a book and pens and here I go!
I bought the
Complete Idiots Guide to Calligraphy.

I need to do a little more reading and a little less cheating by going to the pictures of the letters and the little arrows rather than learning the technique. I was going to post pictures but I would rather hold off until I am a little more confidant. A class may have been a better route. Has anyone had any luck with this book or one like it?
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