As I mentioned in a
previous post, Mr. Peacock and I sit on opposite sides of the political spectrum. We are both very interested in politics (we met working for a politician) and with the current never-ending election cycle, we have had a lot to talk about. Since our wedding falls just a few months before the election, we couldn't help but include something political in the wedding festivities. Mr. Peacock has happily taken control of the rehearsal dinner and is looking forward to giving it an election theme. The only input I gave is that I would love for it to be vintage- i.e. Kennedy v. Nixon, not Bush v. Gore- and that we be on the same ticket. Elephants and donkeys, working together. Done and done.
Mr. Peacock is a little protective over his ideas, so I can't give too many details, but I promise to share photos later! Here are a few hints as to what we are planning...
campaign hat
swagIts totally silly, but I think it will be fun. Our location is definitely casual, so this should complement it well and really get the weekend off to the right start.
Am I the only crazy one overthinking the rehearsal dinner?
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