Thursday, April 10, 2008

Oh Boy, It's Really Happening!

Our Save the Dates are in the mail! Its really official. Mr. Peacock and I are getting married. This proves it:

The flash is broken on our camera so these pictures aren't the best :( The color of the envelopes is closer to the color in the first picture than the latter. We worked so hard on the design of those silly cards, I am so darn proud of them.

The only downside is that we left our last name off of them. Initially, these were only going to some very close friends and family rather than to the entire guest list and we liked the design better without the last names. Then our parents weighed in on this decision and the list grew and grew. Most of our list won't notice, but we are worried about a few great aunts and uncles. They may know me as one of "Dianne's kids" rather than by my actual first name. These people are also unlikely to do further investigating on our website to find out exactly who is sending them mail. However, since they were already printed and about to be stuffed, I pretended like it didn't bother me.

That's me, Miss Peacock, spreading confusion through the Chicago suburbs.

Anyone else have an "oops!" moment with their printed stuff?

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